Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday Prompt for Nov. 28, 2016

Need an idea to start your #FlashFicFriday story? We'll post a writing prompt every Monday to help you get started. (If you have an idea for a writing prompt, use the link in the sidebar. We're grateful for all contributions!)

Without further ado, let's kick off the very first #FlashFicFriday prompt. Use the following phrase in your story—you can start with it, or put it in the middle. This one comes from the prompt generator at

As he fell, he waited for

Our Monday Prompt is always optional. Use it, ignore it, come up with something better. But let us know if it helps!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Once upon a time, Twitter was a place of light and love… and the home of a thriving community of flash fiction writers who shared their work under the #FridayFlash hashtag. There was the usual ebb and flow as budding writers joined in, and others moved on to longer-form fiction or found other things to do. Then, one day, #FridayFlash moved on to Facebook (and Google+). Twitter seemed to go downhill after that.

In these dark days, we all need a little escape from the daily grind. And so, let us revive the tradition of flash fiction on Twitter with #FlashFicFriday! Here's how it works: we'll publish a (non-binding) writing prompt on Monday. On Friday, we'll open the collector, and you can add a link to your flash fiction. Remember to tweet your link, using the #FlashFicFriday hashtag (optionally #FFF, use both if you have space). If you want to contribute a writing prompt, use the link in the sidebar.

If you're not familiar with how #FridayFlash used to work, it's pretty simple:

  1. Write a flash fiction story (1000 words or less, but it's OK if you run over a little)
  2. Post your story on your blog
  3. Add a link to your story to the collector
  4. Check out other stories, and leave a comment (most comments are complimentary, but constructive criticism is OK)

We're going to follow the same format for #FlashFicFriday, but I'd like to encourage participants to especially check out stories from new contributors. If you want to cross-post to #FridayFlash on Facebook or Google+, no problem! (Just be aware, there's another community on Twitter that uses the #FridayFlash hashtag, and it has nothing to do with flash fiction.)

#FlashFicFriday is a group effort, and you can be part of the group! The founders are:

  • Katherine Hajer (@eyrea)
  • Sylvia van Bruggen (@sylviavbruggen)
  • Larry Kollar (@FARfetched58)

Contribute flash to the collector. Contribute writing prompts. Together, we can bring some of the fun and magic back to Twitter. Let's do this.